Special Weather Statements: notices will be posted here if there are any weather related cancellations. Weather Protocols

Notice for Thursday, August 15th (posted at 2:00 pm): Due to the Air Quality Advisory in effect for the city of Edmonton, we need to cancel tonight’s John Fry Park Youth and Adult beach sessions. Teams were emailed directly with additional information. Please check with your partner to make sure they know!

Volleyball Alberta offers youth recreational beach leagues for 12U-17U in Edmonton.

These programs are designed for participants who are looking to develop and refine their beach volleyball skill sets while learning to be more effective on the sand. Participants will learn proper techniques and tactics for forearm passing, setting, serving, and attacking through progressions and modified games.

Questions? Please contact the Volleyball Alberta Beach Programs Staff:
During Summer (May-August), email: beachleagues@volleyballalberta.ca
During Fall/Winter/Spring (planning months), email VA’s Beach Program Manager, rsewell@volleyballalberta.ca


The program registrations are set to open on April 15, 2024. Individuals interested in joining any of the below listed programs can email the VA office to inquire about registration into the program! Please email: rsewell@volleyballalberta.ca

Beach Registration Guide (2024) 

To successfully register you must first purchase a membership for the participant, create an account on VRS-Sportlomo, and then purchase the event (program) registration. The required membership for Youth Beach Leagues/Programs is the: Youth Recreational Player – Beach Mmembership ($19.70). Members who play in Beach Tournaments and have the Youth Competitive Player – Beach category can also register for these beach programs.

Registration is now open! All youth beach programs are individual registrations on Sportlomo > Toggle your account to the [VA-Events] portal.

Registrations will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. There is space for 36 participants per program.  If the registration reaches maximum capacity, a waitlist will open. When spots open, we will invite participants from the waitlist to register on a sequential priority basis. 

Youth Beach Programs – Edmonton

Volleyball Alberta is offering the following Youth Beach Programs for the 2024 Edmonton Beach Season:

Youth Beach Skill Development (14U-17U) starts Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

Beginner Level Beach Skill Development (12U-14U) starts Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

Youth Coed 2’s League (14U-17U) starts Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Registration for Skill Development programs will open Monday, April 15, 2024 at 9am.

Registration for Coed 2’s League will open Monday, April 15, 2024 at 1pm.

2024 Schedule

The availability noted below is not live. VA staff will update spots filled Monday through Friday at 8 a.m. For registration information, please expand the above Register section to find information and links on how to register on VA’s Sportlomo portals—toggle to VA-Memberships for memberships and toggle to VA-Events for program registration.

Youth Beach Programs – EdmontonTraining will be held at John Fry Park Beach Volleyball Courts
92nd Street and 28th Avenue
 Program nightStart dateEnd dateSessionscostReg. opensReg. Closes
Beginner Level 
Youth Beach
Skill Development
June 5June 264$100+GST April 15, 2024, 9amMay 31
28/35 spots filled.
July 3July 244$100+GSTApril 15, 2024, 9amJune 28
4/35 spots filled.
Youth Beach
Skill Development
June 4July 25$125+GSTApril 15, 2024, 9amMay 31
35/35 spots filled.
July 9August 136$150+GSTApril 15, 2024, 9amJune 28
19/35 spots filled.
Youth 2’s
League Nights     
14U-17U **
June 6July 45$125+GSTApril 15, 2024, 1pmMay 31
35/35 spots filled.
July 11August 156$150+GSTApril 15, 2024, 1pmJune 28
35/35 spots filled.
FULL, Waitlist open.
** For the Youth League, Players who want to be partners, should register separately and then let the Volleyball Alberta office know by email, and we will partner athletes as requested. If a player does not have a partner, we wait until the deadline and then pair up players with no partner.

General Information

The Youth League will run once a week (Thursday) for five weeks starting in June ending in the beginning of July, and a six-week program starting in the middle of July and ending in August.

The Beach Volleyball Development Program programs will run once a week (Tuesday) for five weeks starting in June ending in the beginning of July, and a six-week program starting in the middle of July and ending in August.

The Beginner Level (Tripleball) beach program will run once a week (Wednesday) for four weeks with two sessions. The first session will start in June and the second will start in July. 

These programs are designed for participants who are looking to develop and refine their beach volleyball skill sets while learning to be more effective on the sand. Participants will learn proper techniques and tactics for forearm passing, setting, serving, and attacking through progressions and modified games. This program will be divided with 45 minutes of skill development followed by 45 minutes of modified game play. It is encouraged that athletes go into both the development and league programs as the league is the ideal place to practice their new skills from Tuesday’s practice in a fun game-play structured environment on Thursday.

General Weather information:

The sessions will run in all weather conditions unless there is lightning or severe rain making it unsafe to play. Always show up to games even if it is raining as the weather can change very quickly. Assume all games are a go unless otherwise stated through email or on the VA website. 

You can check if a league night will be cancelled by looking on the Volleyball Alberta Website (at the top of this page).


We will be following the 30/20 Rule during game play which was set out by the Canada Safety Council.

If thunder is heard within 30 seconds of seeing lightning, games will be postponed. All participants must leave the playing area and seek shelter in a building or an automobile. Never stand under trees, in an open field, or under an umbrella. Games will resume 20 minutes after the thunder and lightning have moved away. If thunder and lightning are still present 20 minutes after, the game will be cancelled and the score counts as it was when the game was stopped. Halfway point of the game must be reached (11 points by one team) for the game to count towards the league standing.

For information on the Edmonton Youth Beach League, please contact beachleagues@volleyballalberta.ca  

This document shows the benefits an athlete can get from playing beach volleyball in the summer


Parking is available at the John Fry Parking lot or for extra parking at the Ball Diamond.  Vehicles parked on the grass or street could result in a ticket.
AddressJohn Fry Park
92nd Street and 28th Avenue
Edmonton, AB
Google Map for Directions
site map

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