Premier Series & Provincials Update

Posted: March 16

As of Tuesday, March 1 the Government of Alberta entered Step 2 of their Public Health Measures.  This update removed the provincial mask mandate except:

  • On municipal and intra-provincial public transit for Albertans 13 and older
  • At AHS-operated and contracted facilities, and all continuing care settings

While the provincial masking mandate has been removed; we encourage masking for the month of March in crowded indoor spaces.  Volleyball Alberta asks everyone to be respectful of individuals’ personal choice and to be considerate if others request you to wear a mask when interacting.

Currently, there are no spectator restrictions or masking requirements at facilities for the remaining Volleyball Alberta tournaments this season.  Please note that facility rules and guidelines can change at anytime during the pandemic; we will communicate updates that impact our tournaments to all teams and participants as soon as that information is available. 

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in following all facility rules and guidelines, this is critical to maintain good relationships, so we have continued access in the future to run our events.  Be aware of parking constraints at facilities, carpool or use public transportation to limit challenges. Please be patient with all staff and referees as we get back into the swing of things to provide a safe and positive volleyball experience.

The provincial daily checklist should be referred to by all participants, staff, athletes, coaches, referees, spectators, and volunteers prior to arriving to a facility.  Everyone should be aware of the Isolation Requirements and know what to do if you test positive, have symptoms, or are exposed to COVID-19. Having all our participants use and follow the guidance set out in the daily checklist remains a key strategy to help mitigate the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses.  Try to give yourself and each other two metres of distance where possible, use good hand hygiene and cover your coughs and sneezes. 

Live Streaming – HD2 Productions live streaming services will continue to be offered for all courts at Rally Pointe, Cavalry FC, Genesis Centre and Seven Chiefs Sportsplex for the remainder of the season. Matches are available for purchase, to take advantage of this great opportunity visit the HD2 Productions Online Store ($10/match).

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