Call for Nominations | Mikasa Achievement Awards 2016

Call for Nominations | Mikasa Achievement Awards 2016

The Mikasa Achievement Awards are presented to athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers who have made an outstanding contribution to volleyball in Alberta for the indoor club season.  Award nominations are based on the following criteria:


An athlete in the 15U/16U and 17U/18U category who has shown a combination of performance, positive attitude, and leadership for his/her team both on and off the court. A total of 4 Athlete Awards will presented:

  • 1 Female in the 15U/16U age division
  • 1 Male in the 15U/16U age division
  • 1 Female in the 17U/18U age division
  • 1 Male in the 17U/18U age division

* The 18U Mikasa Achievement Award winners (one female/one male) will be awarded a $500 scholarship each towards their university or college education if attending a Post-Secondary institution in Alberta.


Coach (Performance)

A coach in the 16U, 17U or 18U category who has led their team to a consistently high level of performance during the season while modeling the principles of fair play and sportsmanship. A total of 2 Coach Awards will be presented:

  • 1 Coach in the female division
  • 1 Coach in the male division

Coach (Development)

A coach in the 13U, 14U, 15U, 16U, 17U, 18U category who demonstrates they are a great role model and leader who teaches character and life lessons in addition to volleyball skills and tactics.  They go beyond expectations to ensure every athlete, and the team, reaches their full potential.  A total of 2 Coach Awards will be presented:

  • 2 coaches, in the female and/or male division


A volunteer (all categories) who has shown a consistently high level of dedication and service to the club or organization over a period of years. One Volunteer Award will be presented.


An official as selected by the Volleyball Alberta Officials Association criteria. One Official Award will be presented.

How to submit a nomination:

Step 1: Carefully review the award categories and determine which category is most appropriate

Step 2: Prepare and collect 1) At least one letter of support for the nominee 2) A listing of all the relevant information (accomplishments etc.) about the nominee.

Step 3: Complete the Nomination form on our website   or print and email a copy of the PDF Nomination form 

Step 4: Include a high quality, colour photograph of the nominee

Step 5: Ensure you have included all the items in Step 2, 3 and 4, above. Your nomination will not be processed without this information.

Step 6: Submit complete nominations via our online form or by email to:
              By email:   Attention: Nominations and Awards Committee  

Deadline for this year’s nominations:  May 31, 2016

Awards are presented at our Annual Awards Banquet in June

Mikasa Achievement Award – Online Nomination Form Link for:  Athlete, Coach, Volunteer

Mikasa Achievement Award – Printable nomination form

For more information and to view our past Award Recipients go to Leadership > Awards > Mikasa Achievement Awards 

Thank you, 

Questions? Please contact:

Julie | Office Administrator

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