2021 Membership Fees & Tournament Entry Fee Update

Membership Fees & Tournament Entry Fee Update

Posted July 7, 2020

Planning for 2021?

RE: Membership fee & tournament entry fee update

Due to COVID-19, Volleyball Alberta will defer the setting of tournament fees (VA Premiers & VA Provincial Championships) until competition models/structure can be developed. This motion was approved during the Volleyball Alberta Annual General Meeting (AGM) July 5, 2020. 

Volleyball Alberta (VA) and Volleyball Canada (VC) would like to take this opportunity to notify you of changes to the participant fee structure for the 2020-2021 competition season. 

Please visit our Fees & Benefits page to see the VA & VC participant fee structure for the 2020-2021 season. 

All memberships include a Volleyball Alberta and Volleyball Canada component.

The VA/VC membership year is September 1st to August 31st (1 year). Memberships are valid from the date of purchase to August 31st. 

2019-2020 (current year) Memberships are available for participants in summer programs organized by a club that is registered and in good standing with Volleyball Alberta. Make sure you have read and understood the Volleyball Alberta COVID-19 Resources and Guidelines. Most of our members already have their 2020 Membership; we are near the end of our membership year. It is important that if you choose to return to a summer volleyball program, new waivers will need to be signed. All 2020 memberships expire on August 31, 2020. 

2020-2021 (New Year) memberships are now open. 

All registrations are done on the VRS-Goalline volleyball registration site powered by Goalline. 

Email info@volleyballalberta.ca

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